Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Steps to a Nursery

So...we are fortunate enough to have a room we can dedicate as a nursery. It took us a week of de-cluttering and 2 trips to the D.I. and there is STILL tons of stuff we will probably need to get rid of or move...but we got it cleared out enough to at least paint. It's still far from done, but here is a little sneak peak to what we've got going on thus far.

First, my amazing husband painted the base coat while I was at work and he was off for Good Friday. (Isn't he the best!) It's a lot more..."WOW, that's blue!"...than I thought it would be...but it's a good blue. So we're going to go with it.

Then we pulled out my super sweet overhead projector which I got from a school district sale for $1 and we started taping.

We think it turned out pretty darn cute, don't you? We just did one focal point wall, the remaining walls are just a solid blue. But I'll keep posting as we get more done.

(You're going to have to excuse the poor photography. I'm working with a cell phone camera. My camera decided to not work anymore. Great timing, right? It's not like there isn't anything life alteringly significant coming up in our lives that we'd like to document with pictures. psh.)

Which leads me to a little bonus pic... Here is the updated "bump" photo. Again...self portrait with camera phone. Ugh. Which means you've got to use a mirror. I hate these. work with what you've got, right?!?
23 Weeks! Here's lookin' at 17 more...ish. Oh boy.


  1. LOVE the stars! How on earth did you get them that perfect?

  2. so cute... Ican't wait to see it and the bump in person. REally, we need to hang out.

  3. Hey, this is Brent's wife. I'm trying to come up with 30 things about Brent for his 30th Birthday this Monday and I was wondering if you could contact all the camp friends and ask them to write up a funny story about Brent or just something they like about him. I asked Heather too. I need it by Saturday or Sunday.

    Thanks so much!

  4. Yeah, how did you tape the stars so perfectly? Looks awesome girl - good job!

  5. The stars are so cute, makes me want to wish on one. You have a great start to a darling nursery. You are looking so cute! I just bought a camera for Hayley for her birthday on line. Got a good deal. Have Chad ask her about it if you are interested.
